The flagship procedure of NuVasive® continues to change spine surgery after 15 years of helping thousands of patients around the globe. In 2003, XLIF® revolutionized spine surgery as the only lateral approach, and today it’s backed up by extensive clinical evidence in more than 400 peer-reviewed, XLIF-specific publications. XLIF continues to transform patients’ lives, transform surgical practices, and transform hospitals’ ability to provide superior, best-in-care patient results. A few of the clinical benefits include reduced operation time, reduced postoperative pain, reduced hospital stay, less blood loss during surgery, reduced postoperative recovery time, and a smaller incision.
Bobby underwent an XLIF with anterior column realignment (ACR®) procedure earlier this month. Her surgeon, Dr. Ray Oshtory from Pacific Heights Spine Center in San Francisco, utilized the lateral procedure for her pathology. Bobby had a previous L4-S1 fusion in 2006, and prior to her XLIF surgery, was experiencing 7/10 lower back pain that radiated to her lower extremities. She had an unstable spondylolisthesis and stenosis. Dr. Oshtory performed the XLIF with ACR on Bobby, which can achieve correction of alignment and can save a lot of morbidity for the patient compared to the alternative which would have been an open posterior spinal fusion with osteotomy. This is traditionally a maximally invasive and more morbid surgery that has the potential for longer recovery time, more blood loss, and higher risk of infection. The result? Thanks to Dr. Oshtory and XLIF with ACR, Bobby was walking just a day and a half after surgery!
Osteotomies, long recovery times, pain medication, and large amounts of blood loss are becoming a thing of the past. Surgeons like Dr. Oshtory are providing patients with an alternative thanks to lateral surgery and XLIF. To learn more about Lateral Single-Position Surgery™, click here.