SpineTRACK registry
A simple tool for you to track your patients' recovery progress and help you contribute to improving the future of spine surgery.
A simple tool for you to track your patients' recovery progress and help you contribute to improving the future of spine surgery.
The SpineTRACK (Translating Radiographic and Clinical Knowledge) registry is a NuVasive-sponsored prospective, multicenter, observational data collection quality improvement tool established in 2011.
It has been uniquely designed for spine surgeons to collect comprehensive treatment and outcomes data on all spine patients, regardless of treatment or products used.
Can any surgeon participate in SpineTRACK?
Yes. However, there are eligibility requirements that must be met in order to participate. They include current or prior demonstration of data collection capability, such as employing a designated staff member to oversee the data collection effort, participation in research initiatives, and/or publication history.
How much does it cost to participate?
NuVasive underwrites the costs of the registry platform with respect to software licensing as well as database programming, management, and implementation (i.e., there are no added fees charged by NuVasive to the participating site); while the participating site must provide the onsite resources (staff) for successful utilization.
Is this tool available globally?
It is currently only available in the United States.
What is the process to join SpineTRACK?
Following a formal vetting process by NuVasive Clinical and Medical Affairs to assess for eligibility, that team will work with your practice to obtain the proper approvals (ethics/quality committee, as required). A Participation Agreement and Business Associate Agreement will also need to be put in place before access to the registry platform can be granted.